Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Accepting and Disney Couture

The website was down the first time I tried to accept my offer. Now when I log in, it says my season is Fall 2008, not Fall Advantage 2009. I'm not worried, I just have to call tomorrow and talk to my recruiter/tech support.
Danielle has just introduced me to Disney Couture. It is so beautiful, and I cannot wait to start collecting!

In other news, my heart goes out to everyone that's been rejected. I know that I would have been miserable for months if I wasn't accepted. Everyday I realize that this program is a privilege, and I will not take advantage of it. I think it is just awesome that Disney wants me in their cast, and I hope everyone will keep trying! I can't wait for all my new cyber friends to be my fellow cast members and real life friends!! This is exactly the amazing thing I've been waiting for in my life that is going to change it. Here we go!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Yesterday was the day!! PURPLE FOLDER DAY!! Fall Advantage Attractions 2009! I AM SO EXCITED!! DISNEY HERE I COME!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009


So I get up today and check the mail. I see a large white envelope sticking out of the mail box, and for one glorious second I think I have my folder- jk- it was something for my dad. Then I glance down as and see the Disney logo and think "ohno" in my head, then I read Movie Club. That means nothing today, and tomorrow is four weeks.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


So no folder today. I know it's not even four weeks yet (soon!), but I'm still worried. However premature, I feel like anxious. I've emailed my recruiter twice to confirm they received my role checklist, and I got two generic answers. No confirmation!
I'm wondering if letters have anything to do with who your recruiter is. Maybe one was on their A-Game? I didn't hear of anyone getting a letter today, so maybe a few people got lucky? Very lucky? Who knows- I'm still jealous!
I'm just waiting for March to come along and then I get an email that they don't have all my paper work :(

Vlogs 1&2!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Hurry Up and Wait

So, no mail today. However, I'm hoping tomorrow brings good news- but with my luck I'll probably hear closer to the week six mark :( It will be three weeks and four days tomorrow. Ugh. I suppose the longer I wait now, the less I wait to go down (hopefully!). High School Musical 3 comes out tomorrow too!! I'm so very excited. My sister and I are going to WalMart at midnight to buy it!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Still Waiting...

So I'm hoping to hear this week, however I think it may be a little longer. I emailed my recruiter to see if they had my role checklist and it seems they got a large amount at one time and they're still sorting through them. So, this means I don't know if they have everything they need- let alone sending out (hopefully) my folder. So- I'm holding my breath, but it may be later than I had hoped!